Individual subscriptions

A subscription for the most innovative educators.

Free trial of Lyfta Premium
Over 1,000 resources
14-days full access
Join a live lesson
1,000+ resources
400+ instant lessons
Access from one screen
Reccomended for the home-ed family
Everything in Lite, plus...
Edit and create lessons
Individual learner access
Recommended for the home-ed group

School subscriptions

While the impact of Lyfta is priceless, you deserve a clear view of the pricing.

Free trial of Lyfta Premium
Over 1,000 resources
14-days full access
Join a live lesson

6 classes selected at £215 per class

1,000+ resources
400+ instant lessons
100+ themed collections
Teach from the front

6 classes selected at £250 per class

Everything in Lite, plus...
Individual learner access
Edit and create lessons
School success plans

Multi-year and multi-school partnerships

Find out more about our annual subscription offers by booking a meeting.

Free trial of Lyfta Premium
Over 1,000 resources
14-days full access
Join a live lesson
per pupil
1,000+ resources
400+ instant lessons
100+ themed collections
Teach from the front
per pupil
Everything in Lite, plus...
Individual learner access
Edit and create lessons
School success plans
Dedicated account manager from Lyfta
What is the difference between Lite and Premium?
Is it possible to upgrade to Premium after choosing Lite?
What happens after I've purchased a subscription?
My school has more than 12 classes, how do we subscribe?
What's the best way to ask more about subscription?

Join us to bring connection, understanding and belonging into every classroom.

1,000+ resources
100+ themed collections
400+ instant lessons