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"Lyfta has been instrumental in ensuring that our children see diversity, and know that there are people in the world, like them, who are successful."
"My Y6s are not ready for secondary school, they missed so many opportunities to learn, share, and collaborate. Lyfta has been instrumental in helping us catch up on that."
"What has been discovered is that the school is celebrating all students …Again, we are showcasing student successes in a more meaningful way."
"Shaw Primary Academy's curriculum intent is about celebrating cultural diversity (inside and outside of the school) and aspiring to be more. Lyfta has been a resource that has supported this intent, for example when subject leads are asked questions by external visitors and inspectors about their curriculum objectives, they are answering ‘And Lyfta does that for us…. And Lyfta helps us with that'."
"The assemblies. When the children go to these ‘other worlds'... they are so engaged, so excited to go. With our Lyfta assemblies, they are never dull or quiet, because the children are so excited to learn about a new person. And it's often a type of person that they have never seen before. And that's what is so lovely about it. It's those moments, the ‘where are we going today?!' it's those words."
"Lyfta doesn't make us ‘tolerate' other cultures, it allows us to understand and celebrate other cultures. And that's how it should be..."
"What I am seeing across my team is that it is making us become better teachers, it's helping us plan differently… We have found that Lyfta has boosted us in supporting the whole curriculum. It has opened my eyes to being more of a creative teacher, which is great."