School Impact

We are thrilled to share awe-inspiring impact schools and trust are making with Lyfta.

Group of students engaged

Three Bridges Primary School

"Many children have independently researched countries we visited with Lyfta and shared their findings during ‘show and tell' sessions."

Learn more including 10 tips for Lyfta in KS1

Young students listening to a headset

Spring Partnership Trust

"Combining Lyfta and the oracy framework have helped all students, including SEND and quieter children."

Learn more about this trust's approach

Young students listening to a headset

Brookfield Primary Academy

"The discussion was really profound. The children loved to spin 360-degrees. The video was great as the children were able to put headphones on and watch it at their own pace."

Learn about this class assembly using Lyfta

Young students listening to a headset

Upton Court Grammar School

"Lyfta provides the context, the perspectives and the different cultures that students need knowledge and understanding about."

Learn more including teacher and pupil voice

Young students listening to a headset

LEO Academy Trust

"The children loved the way it presented them with the issues, and ideas about how to be part of the solution."

Learn more about this trust's approach

Young students listening to a headset

Cradle Hill Community Primary School

"I have found the immersion itself incredibly important when fostering an inclusive attitude and developing a welcoming society. As Michelle Obama once said: It's harder to hate up close."

Learn more about this school's aproach

Young students listening to a headset

Foxborough Primary School

"The platform is easy to navigate, you don't need a lot of preparation and you can learn along the way with the class. You can use it from EYFS, all the way through. It's been easy to adopt for that reason."

Learn more including pupil voice

Open laptop showing Lyfta lesson plans

Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust

"I can never quite get my head around how much a coach costs! We don't have funds to do everything. But we do have different ways of doing it... If you take one thing away from this conference, please let it be a partnership with Lyfta. It is the best money I've ever spent."

Learn more in this 20 min MATPN presentation

Group of students engaged

The Lampard Community School

"Lyfta is a tool we are using to widen their horizons… so they can access the world. The ability to return to stories in consistent ways supports students' processing."

Learn more about this school's approach

Open laptop showing Lyfta lesson plans

Warden Hill Primary School

"The lesson focused on compassion and was designed to challenge misconceptions about where Muslims live and develop a greater understanding of bereavement. I noticed a particular child with challenging behaviour focussed and ready to discuss their thinking."

Learn more about this class lesson using Lyfta

Group of students engaged

Shaw Primary Academy

"Lyfta has opened my eyes to being more of a creative teacher, which is great! It doesn't just make us ‘tolerate' other cultures, it allows us to understand and celebrate cultures. And that's how it should be."

Learn more about this school's approach

Young students listening to a headset

Wrawby St Mary's CofE Primary School

"You can hear the thinking in the room as the video plays and children are excited to share their viewpoints based on what they have seen."

Read Learn more with pupil voice from KS1 and KS2

Group of students engaged

Djanogly Sherwood Academy

"Lyfta has made our children feel like they have a place they belong. We achieved Outstanding in Personal Development from Ofsted. We believe that our success in this area can be largely attributed to Lyfta.

Learn more about this award-winning project

Group of students engaged

Pontefract Academies Trust

"We were facing the question of how to bridge the gap between the realities of many of our students and their understanding of wider world. At around that time, I attended a MAT leaders conference where we were introduced to Lyfta. Little did I know that this encounter would mark a significant turning point for our trust..."

Learn more from this Director of School Improvement

Young students listening to a headset

Barrowford School

"The way we think education can make a better world is to create a community and design a curriculum that promotes ‘good humaning’, where our children have the opportunity to BE good human BEINGS and DO good human DOINGS."

Learn more about this school's approach

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