Bringing PSHE to life through human stories part I

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The relationships and health aspects of PSHE are compulsory in all schools from September 2020. It feels timely with concerns about mental health and physical health on the rise. At Lyfta we believe that this focus can make a real difference for the health, wellbeing and safety of children and young people well into their adulthood and later life.

This blog is part one of a three part series looking at how the Lyfta platform and resources can bring PSHE to life for your students. This time we’ll be looking at characteristics of positive relationships and how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect.

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Characteristics of positive relationships

One of the key aspects to cover in the statutory guidance are the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships. This includes a particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults. We're delighted to provide a snapshot of some of the Lyfta storyworlds and films which could be explored to unpack these themes. Here are three storyworlds and films which are perfect to go deeper into the theme of building positive relationships.
InTogetherness from Hungary, we meet 'The strudel sisters'. Ilona and Erzsébet. They make "big strudels on small tables" in much the same way their beloved mother did. We explore an almost disappearing way of life, and examine the themes of sisterhood, mothers and freedom, and look at how relationships are developed over time:
Anni's Home
Anni's Home
In Anni's Home in Finland, the film 'Standing still is so boring!' looks at Anni and her relationship with her parents. It highlights how they pushed her to try new things and now support her hobby, but trust her too:
Sacred Acres
Sacred Acres
Finally, in Sacred Acres in Pakistan, students can meet Mohammed. His family has owned a piece of the film land in Karachi, Pakistan for generations, where the local Jewish community were allowed to bury their dead. There are not many Jewish people left in Karachi and the graveyard is all but forgotten, but Mohammed continues to safeguard the cemetery. 'The Lost Jewish Garden' film looks at interfaith friendship and commitment:

How to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect

The statutoryPSHEguidance has a useful outline of what should be taught around relationships education. There are a series of key learnings which build on a lot of the work which goes on in early years education. Included are how to take turns, how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect, the importance of honesty and telling the truth, permission seeking and giving, and the concept of personal space.

It continues to highlight that respect for others should be taught in an age-appropriate way. For example, in terms of understanding boundaries in play, in negotiations about space, books, resources and more. Here are three storyworlds and films which are perfect to teach the importance of treating others with respect and kindness.
In the Library storyworld, part of the Awra Amba storyworld series fromEthiopia, students meet Zumra in the film 'Faith and peace'. The film explores the religious, and philosophical outlook of the community, in their Faith and Peace Manifesto and students can discuss how many of their most important values they share. The storyworld explores differences and the positive impact of treating others with respect.
Dogs' Best Friend
Dogs' Best Friend
InDogs' Best Friend,students visit Turkey and meet Erkan from Ankara. Erkan lives alone and has few human friends but has found his place and purpose in life by showing kindness to stray dogs and cats.
Costume Workshop
Costume Workshop
Finally, in theCostume Workshopin Finland, we meet costume designer Erika in her workshop. The film 'Drawings that dance' looks at the journey of a costume from Erika's initial idea to the final outfit and looks at teamwork and collaboration.

PSHE series

This is the first part of a three part series. Part 2 looked at discussing and understanding families sensitively and helping pupils to believe they can achieve, and persevere with tasks - you can read it here. Part 3 looked at physical health and mental wellbeing and respecting others, even when we are very different - you can read it here.
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