St Laurence Primary School is a one form entry school in Nottingham. Following Lyfta training, Year 2 teacher, Alex, led a plan to embed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the whole school. Among the many lessons and activities that formed part of this plan was an innovative whole-school project focused on plastic pollution on our oceans. Working within covid-19 class bubble restrictions, St Laurence held an initial whole-school activity, followed by separate class activities, which then culminated in a class-to-class sharing spiral.
The initial introductory whole-school activity involved each class using the assembly plan from Lyfta's
Beachcomber storyworld. As part of the assembly, children were invited to meet Rob in Cornwall, who collects plastic waste from the beach, and uses it to create art that raises awareness of plastic pollution. They explored 360° immersive spaces including the clifftop, beach and Rob's home and clicked on rich media content to learn more about plastic pollution and recycling and discovered Rob's inspiring story through a short documentary film.