Bringing PSHE to life through human stories part III

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The relationships and health aspects of PSHE have been compulsory in all schools since September 2020. It feels timely with concerns about mental health and physical health on the rise. At Lyfta we believe that this focus can make a real difference for the health, wellbeing and safety of children and young people well into their adulthood and later life.

This blog is part three of a three part series looking at how the Lyfta platform and resources can bring PSHE to life for your students.
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Keeping well in times of crisis

The uncertainty and lack of routine that has been a feature of the last year can cause mental health and anxiety issues for some children and young people. Physical health and mental wellbeing starts with being taught about the benefits and importance of daily exercise, good nutrition and sufficient sleep. Giving pupils the language and knowledge to understand the normal range of emotions that everyone experiences should enable pupils to articulate how they are feeling, develop the language to talk about their bodies, health and emotions, and judge whether what they are feeling and how they are behaving is appropriate and proportionate for the situations that they experience. Next up in our series to help bring PSHE to life for your students is a focus on physical health and mental wellbeing and respecting others, even when we are very different:
  1. Characteristics of positive relationships
  2. How to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect
  3. Discussing and understanding families sensitively
  4. Helping pupils to believe they can achieve, and persevere with tasks
  5. Physical health and mental wellbeing
  6. Respecting others, even when we are very different

Physical health and mental wellbeing

Emphasis should be given to the positive two-way relationship between good physical health and mental wellbeing, and the benefits to mental wellbeing of physical exercise and time spent outdoors. School is often a safe haven for children and young people where they can ensure they maintain health and wellbeing - from eating at set meal times, having a balanced diet and getting some form of light exercise daily. Here are three storyworlds and films which will help to highlight to students the importance of keeping physically well during these difficult times.
Big Ballet Studio
Big Ballet Studio
In the Big Ballet Studio in Finland there is the film 'A foodie ballerina', which considers how eating well and making time for food can support strength and motivation for work.
Visitor Centre
Visitor Centre
In the Awra Amba Visitor Centre in Ethiopia, the film 'Elderly Care' shows Hossein's daily walk routine and the importance of community for his wellbeing.
Paint workshop
Paint workshop
Finally, in the Paint Workshop in Finland, the film 'When it all gets a bit too much' explores how Hanna connects with nature and with the moment, as a way to decompress from busy-ness.

Respecting others, even when we are very different

Everyone has a different home life and it is important to teach that everybody is unique. People look different from each other, like and dislike different things and might have different beliefs or customs from each other. It is a good time to highlight the need to show the same respect to others, understand how everyone is uniquely valued, regardless of how different they are.
Here are three storyworlds and films which will help to highlight to students the importance of respecting others when they make different choices or have different preferences or beliefs:
Make-Up and Hair
Make-Up and Hair
In the Make-Up and Hair storyworld in Finland there is the film 'Rock chick to opera singer'', which features Ann-Marie's story of how her teacher recognised her opera singing voice and opened her eyes to classical music, which she says was unfamiliar to her as a "rock chick from a working class background".
Backstage in Finland, the film 'Time is (tic)king' shows Heini's story about leaving her singing career for personal reasons but finding work that means she supports other singers in their careers.
Habiba's Home
Habiba's Home
In Habiba's Home in Finland, the film 'A regular Finnish family' your students will have the opportunity to understand what it might feel like to experience being treated as different by people where you live, but also by those where you grew up - and question who you are.
These interactive areas, multimedia content, and real-life stories offer an ideal stimulus for discussions on respecting other people and their differences. Some topics covered could be sensitive, so we remind you to watch all content and make your own professional judgement around its suitability for your students before showing it in class or assembly.

PSHE series

This is the third part of a three part series. Part 1 looked at characteristics of positive relationships and how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect - you can read it here. Part 2 looked at discussing and understanding families sensitively and helping pupils to believe they can achieve, and persevere with tasks - you can read it here.
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