Courageous conversations about race

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Lyfta has partnered with diversity, equity and inclusion consultant Angela Browne to bring you an exciting professional development opportunity.
Consultant Angela Browne
Consultant Angela Browne
The past two years have seen major disruption to education. As many school trips and extra-curricular activities have been unable to go ahead, young peoples' access to the world beyond home or school has been severely curtailed.
At the same time we have also seen a number of high-profile cases of violence stemming from prejudice, including the tragic murders of George Floyd and Sarah Everard. These events have sparked important conversations around race and gender, and have heightened the pressure on teachers to respond and educate their students about discrimination.
That's why we've partnered with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) expert, Angela Browne to offer a virtual three-part professional development course for educators working across any setting. Angela has over twenty years experience of working in education, with fifteen of those as a senior leader, and more recently has become an independent coach and consultant who helps schools to improve their approach to DEI. Find out more about Angela and her work.
Our course will contextualise teacher education around diversity, equity and inclusion, and normalise challenges of addressing these issues in the classroom. We will also outline the responsibilities we have under the public sector equality duty, and bring real applications of the protected characteristics, as outlined under the Equality Act 2010, to life.
We will also explore how Lyfta can support you to provide a more diverse and inclusive curriculum. We will demonstrate the ways in which our storyworlds spotlight diverse human stories from around the world, helping students to learn about those who are different to themselves, and giving them the opportunity to see themselves represented.
You will also be given guidance and resources to help plan and embed these ideas into your lessons.
This three part virtual course is free for Lyfta subscribers. For those who are new to Lyfta, we are offering the course, plus a 3 month Lyfta subscription for just £50. The course will run in three parts as follows:
Session 1: 27 January, 3:45-4:45pm
Session 2: 2 March, 3:45-4:45pm
Session 3: 30 March, 3:45-4:45 pm
Diversity Equity Inclusion
Personal Development