Lyfta live lessons: Experiencing a live volcano

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Live Lessons
This week an incredible 201 classes, from over 100 schools (some 6,030 students) from across the UK, came together to participate in our latest Lyfta Live lessons.

Lyfta Live lessons are delivered occasionally by our training team, live via Zoom, to many different schools at the same time. This time we introduced “We Live Among Volcanoes”, a brand new storyworld from Lyfta.

Together we experienced the sights and sounds of an erupting volcano; Cumbra Vieja in La Palma, an island in the Canary Island in 360°. The lesson explored a powerful human story about Pedro, a volcanologist studying the area.

It was wonderful to hear all the amazing contributions from students during the lesson and hear their thoughts on the experience, and on Pedro’s important work.
Students at Maundene Primary School in Medway enjoying a Lyfta Live lesson
Students at Maundene Primary School in Medway enjoying a Lyfta Live lesson
Before visiting the volcano, we talked about what a volcanic eruption might be like and students were asked to describe a volcano and think about what it might be like to be next to one. They came up with some brilliant adjectives!
Volcano word map
Volcano word map
Pedro in storyworld We Live Among Volcanoes
Pedro in storyworld We Live Among Volcanoes
After making our predictions, we experienced the sights and sounds of the 360° scene together. Students were surprised at the sounds they heard with many saying it sounded like gushing water or the force of waves crashing on rocks. Some observant children noticed the sounds of an aircraft flying overhead. Several students were shocked to see the scientists doing their work with the volcano erupting just behind them and remarked on what an exciting (but dangerous) job Pedro has!
After our exploration of the 360° space, we heard Pedro's story in a short film and learnt more about his life and work and the destructive force of the volcano he is studying. While children watched the film, they were asked to consider several questions for discussion.
Younger students shared their thoughts around the importance of Pedro's job and whether it was something they would like to do themselves.
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"He has such an important job to keep everyone safe"

"I'd love to do Pedro's job. It would be fascinating to get up so close to a volcano."

"I would like Pedro's job - he saves people's lives"

"I would love Pedro's job - you could get so close you could roast about 20 marshmallows at once!"

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Older students considered why people continued to live near to volcanoes:
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"Maybe they didn't know the volcano was active when they built their houses. Now they have nowhere else to go."

"You can't just walk out of your house, you need a home, it is not easy to walk away"

"The soil around a volcano is very fertile and great for growing crops"

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Before the Live Lesson closed, teachers were given some ideas for possible follow up activities to:
1. Create a picture of the volcano and describe its sounds
2. Write a story about a volcano or a volcanologist
3. Make a model volcano
We hope that some of the students who participated will share their work!
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Human Stories
Immersive Learning
Lyfta Live Lessons