Using the Pupil Premium to access Lyfta

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Lyfta provides access to a wide variety of experiences; of people, places and perspectives for all children, making it a highly effective way to support the education of disadvantaged pupils and reduce the attainment gap between those pupils and their peers.
A world of human stories

What is the pupil premium?

Pupil premium is a funding policy that was introduced in 2011 for publicly funded schools in England, specifically to support the education of disadvantaged pupils and reduce the attainment gap between those pupils and their peers. It provides schools with vital additional resources to support the education, enrichment and attainment of some of the most vulnerable children in their school communities.
The premium is an important tool to ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential; something we are passionate about at Lyfta where we strive to make access to a wide variety of experiences; of people, places and perspectives, a reality for all children.
Initially, pupil premium funding was only available to pupils who were eligible for free school meals, but the eligibility criteria has since been expanded to include other groups of disadvantaged pupils.

How to make the best use of pupil premium

Education Endowment Foundation
Education Endowment Foundation
The DfE and Education Endowment Foundation provide detailed guidance on making the best use of the pupil premium. School leaders can decide which activities and resources to spend on, within the framework provided.
The guidance recommends that spending is most effective when used in these areas:
  • high-quality teaching, such as staff professional development
  • targeted academic support, such as tutoring
  • wider strategies to address non-academic barriers to success in schools, such as attendance, behaviour, and social and emotional support
Excited Learning
Excited Learning
The breadth of experiences of places, people and perspectives the Lyfta platform offers (something often not accessible to disadvantaged pupils), makes it a highly effective tool to broaden horizons. This helps to raise aspirations and attainment and tackle non-academic barriers to academic success - in line with the framework. Lyfta also offers free high-quality CPD provision and support for subscribers to continue to raise the quality level of teaching with the platform.
Pupil premium is not a personal budget for individual pupils, and schools are not required to spend all of their allocated grant on eligible pupils. Access to Lyfta helps to level the playing field and make these horizon-broadening experiences a reality and shared experience for all children.
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