Lyfta storyworld - We Live Among Volcanoes (Spain)

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Introducing We Live Among Volcanoes, our storyworld following Pedro, a volcanologist working on the active volcano Cumbra Vieja in La Palma, an island in the Canary Islands, Spain.
Trailer to storyworld We Live Among Volcanoes

A volcanologist

Pedro from storyworld We Live Among Volcanoes
Pedro from storyworld We Live Among Volcanoes
Meet Pedro, a volcanologist working on the active volcano Cumbra Vieja in La Palma, an island in the Canary Islands, Spain. Discover how he and his colleagues study volcanoes and work hard to keep people safe and advance our knowledge. Discover how volcanoes form, where most are located and how and why they erupt. Explore the rock cycle, at timescales of millions of years! Find out why a church would be the perfect home for a science lab in this unusual context.

Learn about the volcanic island of La Palma

Absolutely everything that you see on the island of La Palma is of volcanic origin. The people here live among the volcanoes, which is unusual because volcanic areas are often very remote and hard to reach areas. This proximity to the volcanoes has created a unique opportunity for scientists in the Canary Islands to study their history and advance in the knowledge of volcanoes.

Are volcanoes good or bad?

Pedro in front of a volcano
Pedro in front of a volcano
Students will learn about the destruction volcanoes can cause and how lives can be impacted.
People have lived on or near volcanoes throughout time, despite the risks. Volcanic eruptions allowed lava flows to break down over time and form rich, fertile soils leading to biodiverse ecosystems. In addition, all that heat can be used to provide geothermal power. With human populations increasing and better systems to predict eruptions, it is likely that more people will be living on the flanks of volcanoes in the future, and visiting them through volcano tourism.
Students will see how the people of La Palma have learned to live with volcanoes and have been united by them.
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"The best thing about the eruption is to see the unity of the people. You see that everyone is in the same boat fighting against a common "enemy" that is the volcano. That's the best part."

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What is a volcanologist?

Pedro and colleagues in front of a volcano
Pedro and colleagues in front of a volcano
Pedro was born and raised in the Canary Islands. As soon as he started as a scholar at the Canary Islands volcano station he fell in love with the work and what he describes as "This exciting world that is volcanoes". Students will learn about the work that Pedro does as a volcanologist. Rich media articles and lesson plans will cover what scientists do, about rock classification, how volcanoes are formed and about geological processes.

What is it like to work besides an erupting volcano?

Students will be able to take in the sights and sounds of the erupting volcano in a 360° scene and 'feel the heat' watching Pedro and his team onsite working beside an erupting volcano.
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"When you are so close to the eruption you experience a mixture of sensations. On one hand, fear, because it is a tremendously powerful natural phenomenon with immense energy, with a series of dangers that convey respect and when you are near the volcano you move very carefully. But at the same time, it is hypnotic and alluring."

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We Live Among Volcanoes at a glance

Lyfta Rich Media Articles - what is a volcano? and geology rocks!
Lyfta Rich Media Articles - "what is a volcano?" and "geology rocks!"
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